The Complete Secrets of Influential Communication The most important thing you'll ever learn in life is how to express your unique voice and connect with others in an authentic way. Being able to communicate, influence and help others see your point of view are some fundamental skills that underpin your success and happiness. In this course, you'll learn the essential secrets to effective communication, influence skills, and success in achieving your goals. PLUS you'll learn about persuasion AND learn how to give powerful and engaging presentations. Part 1: Introduction (12 min) Video 1: Introduction Video 2: The 6 Principles of Success (the Legs of NLP) Part 2: How we process information (35min) Video 3: Emotional Needs explained Video 4: Resolving Stress Video 5: How we process information Video 6: What makes people resilient Video 7: Perceptual Filters - how we maintain our model of the world Video 8: The self-fulfilling prophecy Part 3: The secrets of influence (25min) Video 9: The secrets of influence Video 10: Demonstration of natural rapport building Video 11: Matching and mirroring Video 12: Pacing & leading Video 13: Reading each other's minds Video 14: The power of holding space PLUS Coaching & Influencing Skills: Part 4: The secrets of persuasion (31min) Video: 15: The secrets of persuasion and reframing Video 16: Persuasion is the art of changing perspectives Video 17: How to Persuade Video 18: Relabelling Exercise and Dealing with Difficult People PLUS Speaker Skills: Part 5: (29 mins) Video 19: Communicating your message Video 20: What's your outcome and call to action? Video 21: Your Audience Video 22: The 4-MAT model Video 23: Delivering Your Message PLUS : Speaker Skills Part 6: (29min) Video 24: Keys to creating positive impact Video 25: Making it clear and engaging Video 26: Communication styles, priming Part 7: Goals coaching and achieving the impossible (21min) Video 27: Goals coaching and achieving the impossible
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